Mevirsa renews the stunners with electronic data recording board of the three production centres of LOEUL ET PIRIOT

FoodTech 2018
Mevirsa at FoodTech Barcelona, the largest food technology event
April 12, 2018
Positive Industry
February 26, 2021

Mevirsa renews the stunners with electronic data recording board of the three production centres of LOEUL ET PIRIOT

LOEUL ET PIRIOTone of Europe’s leading producers of rabbit and milk fed kid meat, has entrusted MEVIRSA with the renovation of all the stunners with electronic data recording boards in its three production centres.

LOEUL ET PIRIOT, a company located in the Deux-Sèvres region (France) with three production centres (Loeul Piriot SAS, Bretagne Lapins and ACLV SAS), markets and distributes rabbit and milk fed kid meat for French large scale distribution and catering as well as for export, has acquired the rabbit stunners with MEVIRSA technology data recording board to renew and comply with the Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter.

MEVIRSA‘s technological knowledge in the sector of rabbit slaughterhouse machinery manufacturers, its experience in this sector since 1986, as well as its flexibility in adapting to the specific needs of the LOEUL ET PIRIOT group, has been key to the choice.

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